Monday, November 29, 2010

Social Class

Most people will say that everyone is created equal in the U.S. I disagree, if you are raised in a rich family then you have a better chance at succeeding in life, or at least you have a "head start" in  becoming rich and successful. Since your family has money to spend, you can get a tutor, go to a better school, have money for college and so on. On the other hand, if you are raised in a poor family, you will most likely stay in the lower to middle class when you are older. Unlike the rich families, you don't money to get help from a tutor, you go to a worse school and the only money for college that your getting is from loans or scholarships. Its sad to see kids not being able to perform at their full potential or get the best educating they can just because they don't have the money for it. Like the kid from the movie that we watched, his mom cant even drive to work because she doesn't have enough money to fix it. He has a much more difficult road to college than a rich kid from linconshire would.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jail is not the answer

The U.S has only 5% of the worlds population but it has one fourth of the worlds prisoners. With that statistic we have to ask ourselves why? The episode of 30 days helped me understand why we have so many prisoners. It seems like we just throw people in jail for anything these days. I found out that 50% of prisoners are in jail because of drugs. I was really shocked about this because jail is not the right approach to taking drugs addicts off the streets. Forcing people not to do drugs will not help them at all, there is a reason why they are addicted. They need to get help and not just sit in a room all day. Its good that they have a program where they help addicts get clean but its not mandatory and you can leave whenever you want. Instead what prisons should be doing is sending drug addicts to rehab or making all drug convicted people go to some type of drug prevention program. I also think they dint treat mental patients right, again they need to be sent somewhere to get help with there problem. The prison system really has to make some type of change, prisoners should not be sleeping on the ground and be there if its not for a drug problem or has mental problems.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saints & Roughnecks

In our school, there are both saints and roughnecks. Even in my friends group there are some that never get in trouble and some that always get blamed for everything. With our school having a lot of middle class to upper class kids, there are probably more saints than roughnecks. Most people would not expect the well dressed, preppy, smart kids to be trouble makers in school nor out of school. But the truth is that they are the ones that are doing the most partying. The big houses, the money, the parents that don't give a shit about what their kids do usually are the rich ones. Then we have the roughnecks in our school. The minority's are stereotyped as doing drugs and partying all the time. They don't have the big houses where they can party at or the money to do w.e they want. So instead, they drive around not doing much most of the time and maybe once in awhile someone could have people over. I find that my friends with less money have stricter parents than the rich parents. Going back to my friends group, I have one friend that says every time he goes to the bathroom in school, a security guard follows him in. He has the skater look instead of the preppy look like most kids. So just because he wears a hat and some skater clothes makes him a trouble maker?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


In class this week we learned aboutt milestones in our lifetime. Most humans go through the natural milestones like our first time walking, first word ext. But as for our milestones that are influenced by the society around us, not everyone in the world have the same ones or they reach them at the same time. For example, in Poland the drinking age is 18 along with the driving age.  So I was wondering at what age are you considered an adult in Iraq or India or any other country. In Africa, I learned that they don't have certain age limits on things but instead they go by letting the child learn when it feels right for them or how instead of just opening a the door for them, they let the child try and try again until it succeeds. I really like this way of growing in life instead of be given certain age limits that say I'm an adult till 18 and all the other age limits.