Thursday, October 28, 2010

Call me a Fag.. IDC

Men are sops to be tough, strong, show no fear, not cry, balblabalbalablablabal.. Yea right..During middle school there was always that big bully tough kid who tormented little boys and girls. The reason why bully's exist is because A) they are self-conscious about themselves and B) The movies, music, media all that make it seem like men are sops to be as tough as nails. I don't see any problem with a man crying, showing there true feelings/emotions and being just a normal nice human being. For example, Sal works part time and then takes care of his kids, cooks dinner and so on. I don't see any problem with that.. I mean cooking is fun!. I love playing with little kids and just chilling at home. What a good life!.. Sal wanna switch lives for a few days? I would rather be a stay at home dad and work part time than be at the office 24/7 busting my ass so my boss wont scream at me and barely having time to be with my kids. It doesn't matter who brings in more money into the family, as long as the man does what is needed to be done to take care of his family.


  1. LOL nice post haha...I agree that it's not a big deal if mean show their feelings and emotions. They are human...they have feelings and emotions as well. I hate how the only way a man can be masculine is if they show no weakness or annoying.

  2. I to would want to be a part time sociologist teacher and be a stay at home dad. Those guys have it made compared to a million era CEO who gets maby 2hrs tops a week with his kids. While full time dads get all the time in the world.

  3. Haha - first you got to get that office job then maybe I'll switch with you. But wait til you have 3 kids one day - that will change your understanding of toughness. How to deal with the little buggers all day long and then still have to do other stuff like dinner, dishes, groceries and your part-time work like grading and prep stuff. It's a different kind of toughness, but one society doesn't recognize.
